How to make $12,000 on one podcast without schilling courses, fat-loss remedies, and most importantly, without an advertisement of any type.
The realization of Kevin Kelley's 1000 True Fan's
Holy shit. We did it. To generate this level of revenue in the traditional model we would need to have an audience size of 600 listeners or more. For context, there are 73 of you currently subscribed to this newsletter.
Last week we launched the first-ever long-form podcast (1.5 hours +) as an NFT. This was both the launch of my podcast and a sort of Proof-of-concept for a new way to monetize media.
The results were mind-blowing. It was a perfect signal that with #WEB3, we can truly realize the concept of 1000 True Fan's written by Kevin Kelly and popularized by Tim Ferriss.
Before we get to that, I want to address a point made by a thoughtful follower. He had a very valid response to the project, at first feeling asking why he would pay for a podcast when he can get it for free?
This, my friend, is a mind parasite of the most dubious kind. We have been infected with for centuries by everyone, from Facebook to the New York Times Corporation.
It boils down to this. Your time is finite. The only thing less limited than your time on earth is your focused time. (The only thing potentially less finite than that is the amount of fucks Elon gives regarding the SEC.)
We have been coerced, against our better nature, to believe that our focused time is worth so little that we trade it for plugs about underwear, pharmaceutical products, and insurance schemes.
This level of cognitive dissonance is not your fault. We have been trained slowly but surely to believe in this mind parasite, and, to be honest, there hasn't been a better option.
We will never beat Facebook or "META" with Patreon.
I feel with Polkadot, Kusama, and Web3, and we are on the cusp of realizing that dream. A system of media monetization where the creator and consumer are no longer in an adversarial relationship but whose incentives and financial opportunities are invariably aligned.
We can realize the 1000 True Fan's Model, the creator can be create-to-earn, the consumer can consume-to-earn, and the advertisers can win through better products and not pump VC money into any influencer that will shill their shit.